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Joke Of The Day: Akpors’ Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Edition (You Must Laugh)

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Akpors called his girlfriend one day, but unfortunately her father, an Army General picked the call:

General: Hello, who is this?
Akpors: Sorry I want to speak with Joy, sir.

General: I said who are you and why are you calling my daughter?

*Being a bad sharp guy, Akpors knew he had to code something fast so he answered: Okay Sir, I am FRANK EDOHO from WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE. Joy’s friend is presently on the hot seat and needs her help to answer a question for 2 Million Naira. The next voice you hear after now will be hers, the time starts now!

General: Ooh I’m very sorry! Joy! Joy!! Please take your phone your friend needs your

Joy: Yes, hello, this is Joy

Akpors: The question is, when are you coming tomorrow? A. Morning, B. Afternoon, C.Evening, D. Night.

Joy: D. Night.

Akpors: Are you sure? Final answer?

Joy: Yes I’m very sure!

Akpors: okay dear, greet your father for me.

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