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Checkout 8 Tips To Boost Your Twitter Experience | Read

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Twitter boasts of an about  230million users & could really be a fun place for news, gossips & all-round info.

Here are 8 tips to enhance your Twitter groove; 

1. Give a brief info about you enough to make visitors decide whether you'd be fun to follow or not.

2. Avoid following every Tom, Dick & Mo! to keep your follow ratios in check. This would prevent a spammy look on your timeline.

3. Feel free to block, mute or report any twitter user on your timeline who tweets offensive material.

4.Choose to restrict DMs to just those you follow or keep it open to receive DMs from anybody. Just access the settings page->Security & Privacy->Direct messages & set as you'd like.

5. Tweet as though you could say those words to the face of the user you tag. Be polite, & not too formal.

6. Reduce the use of #hashtags in your tweets & pleads to Mo! or any other celebrity to follow you back. It actually is annoying.

7. Be careful & thorough with tweets especially if you're reeling off facts. They get viral with retweets and could get you in the 'line of fire' if they're false.

8. You have more things to say beyond 140 characters? Keep replying to your own tweets.

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