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Joke Of Day: Gosh!! I've really messed up!! [You Must Laugh]

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I saw a catholic sister last night and i decided to give her a lift in my car. As the car was moving, i placed my hand on the sister's laps pretending i was looking for the gear lever. The sister looked at me and said; "Matthew chapter 7 verse7" and I quickly removed my hand. After a short time, I placed my hand again on the sister's lap and the sister said to me again "matthew7 verse 7" i nervously removed my hand.The sister reached her destination and got off the car, and she looked at me again and said "So you don't read your Bible!" And when i got home, I opened my Bible to Matthew 7verse7 and it says"ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU"... Suddenly, i shouted; Oh! I've messed up!!! ☹☹

Happy Weekend! Remain Blessed. 

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