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How To Charge Your Smartphone Batteries More Effectively [Must Read]

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Not all charging is equal. If your smartphone (or tablet) is low on battery and you only have a limited amount of time to charge it, here’s how you can get the most juice possible.

Read tips below:- 

1. Charge faster by switching off your phone or switching to airplane mode.

2. Always use the charger that comes with your phone or an original replacement.

3. Avoid using a Laptop to charge your phone via its USB. It's slower & could affect your battery in the long run. However, iMacs can be used to charge iPhones/iPads.

4.Using a tablet charger increases charging speeds if used for phones.

4b. The tablet charger highlighted previously should be of the same make of the phone its used to charge preferably.

5. You could get & use original 3rd party charger adaptors with relatively higher ampere (indicated with an 'A' on it) compared to your phone's charger.

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