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Joke Of The Day:- Don’t Be Stingy To God

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Someone sent it to us:-

On Sunday, I was sitting in the church, my friend invited me for a thanksgiving, and when it was time for offering, the offering basket was passed around. Despite d Pastor’s charge for good offering, I still hurriedly and secretly pulled out N50 from my pocket and dropped it. Just then, the person behind me
tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a N1,000 note. I smiled, how generous, then majestically I looked around and put d N1,000 in the basket and passed it on, then I turned and thanked d man seriously for being so generous.

He replied “don’t mention, be more careful next time, it fell frm ur pocket” Whaaaat???!!!!!……. Usher please wait wrong Transaction!!!!!!!!!

Don’t laugh alone share it and make someone smile…

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