
Abuja, Nigeria

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You Must Laugh (YML): Akpors The Librarian

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Akpors the librarian was going about his normal business tending to his books and judiciously taking stock when a man who looked really troubled came in and called his attention.

Happy that he had seen another customer, he greeted the man happily and asked what he needed;

Man: Good morning sir, please, do you have a book on suicide?

Akpors: (Stops smiling immediately) What do you want to read that kind of book for?

Man: I want to commit suicide.

Akpors: (Stares at him for a while thinking to himself)

Man: Did you hear me? I really need the book.

Akpors: Mr Man, I can see you are bad market for me this morning. Please leave this place, after you read it and commit suicide who will return my book?

One word for Akpors this time around?

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