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12 Simple Ways To De-Stress [Must Read]

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There’s good stress … and then there’s bad stress. Do you know the difference? And how are you dealing yours? It’s important to be aware of what stresses you out, so you can build a relationship with your biggest stressors and manage the way you react to them.

Some stress is healthy … it kicks in to protect you in times of need and gives you a sense of focus when you’re about to take a test or give a presentation. It motivates you to rise to the occasion. And in times of emergency, stress can actually save your life.

Then there is the type of stress that is harmful. It can cause physical, mental, and emotional aches and pains. It can cause your body and mind to overreact to situations, resulting in digestive problems, weight fluctuation, heart disease, depression, and a host of other issues that no one desires or deserves.

It’s time to manage the good, the bad, and the ugly faces of stress in your life. Here are 10 tried-and-true ways to manage your stress, so you can get on the path to living a healthy and balanced life.

Are you feeling stressed this week? 

Here some great ways to unwind;

1. Make a list of thing you're thankful for.
2. Drink more water.
3. Take the afternoon off
4. Slow down.
5. Block stressful people from your Facebook newsfeed.
6. Re-evaluate your calender. 
7. Get organised. 
8. Think about something pleasant. 
9. Forgive yourself.
10. Smile more.
11. Finish one project before starting another. 
12. Do something you enjoy. 

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